I will not deny it - having four small children is crazy. There is always something that needs to be done or someone that needs to be taken care of. With friends providing dinners the first week and my mother coming soon after we have entered this new stage slowly. I joke (kind of) about what my house is going to look like when I am home alone with all four. After a rough week or so Micah is nursing better and gaining weight. There are things that you take for granted when you have your fourth child. It never crossed my mind that there would be a nursing problem - I've done this three times before right? Well, that is just another reminder that every child is different. We wondered how Lucas would adjust to having a baby in the house. He has really done well and only tells me to put the baby down when he first wakes up from his nap. The problem we are finding is that Lucas is still two, which means he is getting into everything and looking for opportunities to cause trouble. Just yesterday I went to see what he was up to and found him in the bathroom with gel running down the side of his head. I cleaned him up and then two minutes later I found him standing on the toilet. He had dumped baby powder all over himself and the floor. What else could I do besides laugh and get my camera? After my mother leaves I think that I will have to lock Lucas in a room with me while I feed the baby!
Isn't he sweet?!
Isn't he sweet?!