Josiah celebrated his 4th birthday on the 16th - hard to believe. He was very excited, making sure that he told anyone who would listen that he was "four now". The morning of his birthday we took cake, cookies, and Sprite to his class - a requirement for all students on their birthday. The night before, Ted went to a bakery and asked for a cake that the baker thought the children would like. There were no Spiderman 3 cakes, much to Josiah's dismay. Ted bought a Tweety Bird cake that was coated with pistachios. I stayed in his class while all the kids were served and as Josiah bit into the cake. I've attached a picture of his expression - he was not a fan. The baker was right though, the other kids did like the cake. Those who know Josiah will not be surprised to find out that he received three costumes for his birthday. After opening the first one (a Batman costume from Grandma and Grandpa) he stopped opening the gifts to put it on. We encouraged him to open the other two - a black Spiderman costume from Uncle Rob and a Blue Power Ranger costume from Nana. He also stopped after opening those and wanted to put them on. He wore all three that night and Caleb was able to wear one as well so they could do their super hero fighting together. I made my first cake from scratch! The cake was pretty good, but the frosting was questionable. Josiah liked it so that is all that matters! I hope you enjoy the pictures.