In February we celebrated Lucas' 5th birthday. He selected chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. He was very excited to receive his own REAL tool set. He has tried to take apart tables, hammered nails into small pieces of wood and dismantled broken electronics. One of the things that I love most about Lucas is that he wants to know how everything works and why. He always wants to be doing something and enjoys being a helper.

We celebrated Caleb's 10th birthday earlier this month. He chose cinnamon rolls for breakfast and chicken wings for dinner. I know every parent says this, but I really cannot believe how fast time has gone. I found myself tearing up a couple times just thinking that he was already 10 and way too close to college for me! It is fun (and sometimes not) to see his personality develop as he gets older. One of the things I love most about Caleb is that he is a relationship driven kid. on of the things that makes him happiest is spending time with friends, family, and visitors.