A few months ago Ted and I decided to brave the odds and take 5 kids on vacation! We figured that if we waited until all the kids were done with naps and out of diapers we might be pushing it off into Caleb's teenage years. The boys were really excited about the vacation and we parents were looking forward to a "quiet" break from a busy summer. From looking at our pictures you might think that we spent most of our time at the pool - and you're right! We went to the sea only once during our trip. The boys were not that impressed and Abby was not a fan of the sand. The boys preferred to be at the pool where they could do cannon balls and back flips! Most of us came back a shade darker and thankful for the opportunity to spend time together as a family. Now we readjusted to life without a pool or air conditioning! Nothing like taking pictures of your kids to remind you of how big your kids are getting, huh?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Abby is following in her brothers' footsteps and seems to just keep growing and growing. She is 11 months old and, for the most part, she is a happy baby. She loves music, being held, being entertained by her brothers, being outside, and (most recently) walking. She does not like for her Daddy to leave and does not appreciate if he enters a room and does not immediately pick her up. She does not like loud noises or extreme sports - like being thrown too high in the air or being spun around really fast. To be honest I get a little excited when she does "girly" things, like cry for a long time over a small scratch or when she squeezes her eyes shut when she is fake crying. These are some of my favorite pictures over the last six months or so.