Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Master of Disguise

Can you tell who this boy is? Josiah puts his clothes on over his costume so that "no one will know who I am". We laugh of course, but he is oblivious to the fact that his clothes do not totally conceal his secret identity. In a city as large as our it is easy to believe that we are lost in the crowd. Sure we're foreigners but no one could know that for sure unless we spoke. I've actually had quite a few people come up and talk to me, the possibility of my being a foreigner never crossing their mind. Even as I use the word for "I don't understand" they continue to talk. I think they just change the wording because they think I need further explanation. About a week ago we learned that we are not lost in the crowd here. Ted went to talk to his barber and the barber asked if he lives at "such and such". Amazed, Ted asked how the man could know where we lived. Apparently the water man told him. That clears it up, right? We are beginning to realize that a lot of people we've never met know that we are the foreigners who just moved to the neighborhood. We are glad that our neighbors are curious about us and we hope that soon we will be able to say a whole lot more than "I don't understand".


Nana said...

Dear Peter Parker,
I didn't know who you were. You concealed yourself very well. Your mother revealed your secret identity to us. You should have a long chat with her about this.

Anonymous said...

I am missing that child very much, he always made me smile. Today, I needed one and thought of him when I saw Trentons Spiday Spud Potatoe head.
Love the updates.
Stephanie W