Both Lucas and I love this video. I'm a mom - telling stories about my kids and showing pictures is what I do.

Caleb and Lucas enjoy a banana shake - Lucas especially! Lucas decided to go for the banana shake goatee while Caleb opted for the mustache.

Last weekend we were able to take the boys to a large and well maintained park downtown. This very large mosque sits at the end of the walkway that runs through the park.

Josiah is very excited that his birthday is coming up in a few weeks. He will be four soon and looking at this picture reminds me of how big he is getting.

This is a perfect example of why we need a babysitter while we have language classes. One day Josiah came into the room with his arms and legs covered with pen marks. When asked why he would do that he responded, "I was only giving myself a tattoo".

Ted's friend the barber (Ralph) graciously came over to cut Ted's hair and Lucas'. Lucas did not appreciate the house call.

Lucas has developed a love for tools. He often "helps" Ted as he does things around the apartment. My favorite do-it-yourself job is the frequent attempts to get the bathroom door to actually open!