Saturday, March 21, 2009

Micah's First Birthday

On Friday we celebrated Micah's first birthday. We have been so blessed by this little boy. He is a sweet baby with a great personality. He loves to play with legos (they make a loud noise if you bang them together), cars, lollypop wrappers, Daddy's cell phone and a nerf football. He is a picky eater - never likes jarred baby food and will eat just about anything if it is mixed with a banana. When he is tired he likes to lay his head on my shoulder and hold my hair. Of all the boys he has been the earliest to get teeth, crawl, and walk. So far he is still has blue eyes, which would make him the only one in our family. He's a keeper!

1 comment:

Dana said...

Happy Birthday Caleb, oh I mean Micah. They are like twins born six years apart!Too Cute!