Saturday, September 5, 2009

Back to School

Excited about learning to write in cursive!

Caleb (always wanting to look the part)
chooses a collared shirt for the first day of class.

The boys started school again a couple of weeks ago. Josiah's started first grade and Caleb started third. Maybe you are like me and cannot believe that they are that old, but they are. The boys use a DVD program and as I watched Caleb's first day I was struck by how big the kids looked. "These kids must be big for their age" I thought "because Caleb isn't that big yet". BUT, he is! At a recent doctors appointment he was in the 75th percentile for his height. You don't really notice how fast they are growing even when it is happening before your eyes. They are plugging away and (for the most part) working hard. Interestingly enough the boys have the same favorite subject - penmanship!

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