Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

It is a little weird to be living in a country that doesn't celebrate Christmas. There are Christmas trees for sale and even some decorations - but those just hit the shelves last week as those are considered New Year's decorations here. Nonetheless, our boys still get excited about the holiday and for a month we read portions of the Christmas story for family worship and sang Christmas carols. Last night we had some friends over for a Christmas Eve dinner and we all really enjoyed that. The kids played different parts during the reading of the Christmas story - Josiah was a wise man, Caleb was Joseph, Micah was baby Jesus and Lucas decided to be a sheep. One family built a pinata for the kids which they really enjoyed. This morning the boys woke early to open their presents - Caleb and Josiah's centered around football, while Lucas' gifts were mostly car related. Micah's favorite things were his cell phone and punch balloons. We had a great day and are thankful that the Lord has poured out his grace on us in allowing us to understand and celebrate the significance of this day - the birth of our Savior.

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