Sunday, February 20, 2011

Big Brothers

All of the boys (most of the time) have loved having a little sister in the house. It is interesting to see the way each one relates to her as it shows their unique personalities. Caleb, of course, loves Abby. He wanted to hold her right away and takes great joy in being her big brother. In keeping with his personality, he battles between thinking she's great and being jealous of the attention she receives.He is already her protector and hates to hear her cry. Josiah, our "whatever" kid, thought it was great when Abby came home but was ready to move on to something else a few minutes later. I guess I would say that though he loves her he is not overly impressed with her as some of the others are.He is happy to talk to her and hold her, but his interest is not held very long. In true Lucas fashion he wants to understand how "she works". He asks a lot of questions about how she will grow, what she will do, why she can/cannot do certain things, etc. What has been a very pleasant surprise is seeing how much he loves her. He, more than the others, loves to talk to her and make her laugh. He is very sweet to her and Abby loves him. Micah, as is the nature of a two year old with 3 older brothers, will respond to Abby in whatever way his brothers are. Micah has been our "snuggle bug" boy so there are times when he is upset because he cannot be held or loved on because attention is being given to Abby. Needless to say, she is one blessed little girl to have so many big brothers. She just might end up being the most protected, spoiled little sister ever!

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