Wednesday, July 16, 2008

At Three Months

I have taken a picture of each of the boys when they were three months old. I took these pictures of Micah at 3 1/2 months - its a little harder to get the extra things done these days. =) These were taken as our home studio - aka my bedroom.
Micah has been a pretty good baby. He usually only cries when he is tired or hungry - that works for me. He loves to "talk". He is at his best when someone is talking to him. He usually smiles up a storm and gets his two cents in. It's a good thing that he likes to hear people talk because there is a lot of talking going on around here (especially since Lucas joined in). I have nicknamed him "fidget" since he is always moving around (we also have our fair share of that going on here). He is always kicking and squirming, trying to grab his brothers or move to the other side of his bed. Our family has been blessed by him and , of course, now we can't imagine life without him. Hard to believe three months have passed already.


Lisa said...

What a doll!
I can imagine trying to get pictures of the 4th child is impossible. I used to take Ella to picture people once a month(with a coupon) but Jack has only been a few times. At that rate another baby would only go once!

Dana said...

Maybe you could open your own photo studio! Very cute pics! I don't think it would be possible for your boys to look any more alike! I thought they looked like pics of Caleb!