Sunday, May 9, 2010

He's a Mess!

A popular kid treat here is chocolate
spread on bread. Micah loves it and this time
he literally inhaled it (sneezing chocolate hours later).

Now that is some serious bedhead!

Micah has entered the "Terrible Two's" and while he is not exactly terrible he is causing a lot of problems. Just last week we had the hardest day ever with him. The day included him blowing his nose into the curtain, spraying cleaning liquid into his brothers pants drawer, pulling a shelf off the wall (breaking 5 of my Willow Tree figurines), and using a face cloth and toilet water to wet the bathroom. You may be wondering if anyone is watching this kid! I told him that he is lucky he is so cute or else he'd be in big trouble. Most of the time he is not that hard to handle but now that he can climb up to the top bunk and open the front door he needs someone to watch him like a hawk. I just hope that he doesn't learn any new, dangerous tricks.

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